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管理学workshop:Policy on Multiple Grand Challenges and Firm Responses: Evidence from China’s Environmental and Digital Mandates
发布日期:2024-12-27 12:00 来源:
讲座题目:Policy on Multiple Grand Challenges and Firm Responses: Evidence from China’s Environmental and Digital Mandates
讲座内容:This study explores the interplay between government policies and firm responses in simultaneously addressing multiple grand challenges, such as environmental sustainability and digital innovation. Using the context of China’s “Notice on Carrying Out Pilot Projects for Firm Innovation and Application”, initiated in 2018, we examine the concepts of policy goal multiplexity and its impact on firms’ effectiveness in policy implementation. Employing a Propensity Score Matching with Difference-in-Differences approach, our findings reveal that policy goal multiplexity leads to ineffective outcomes. However, firms with greater capabilities to enhance goal coherence can effectively integrate policies into their strategies, achieving desired outcomes. This research highlights the need for nuanced policy designs and robust firm capabilities to effectively address grand challenges in a rapidly evolving global landscape.
王鹤丽教授现为新加坡管理大学李光前商学院战略管理讲席教授(Janice Bellace Professor)、研究生院院长、长江学者讲座教授。毕业于美国俄亥俄州立大学费雪商学院,获战略管理博士学位。研究主要关注企业资源基础理论、战略人力资本、利益相关者管理和企业社会责任。曾担任Academy of Management Journal和 Academy of Management Review的副主编,以及Management Organization Review的咨询编辑。多篇研究成果发表于管理学顶级期刊Academy of Management Review、Academy of Management Journal、Strategic Management Journal、Organization Science等。
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