  • 个人页面:https://www.marshall.usc.edu/personnel/qingyuan-yue

岳庆媛(Lori Yue)是哥伦比亚大学商学院管理学副教授(终身教授)。她研究企业和组织如何应对社会问题以及政府监管的不确定性,在管理学和社会学顶级期刊发表多篇关于市场监管、商业自治、和市场中的社会运动的论文。她最近研究跨国公司在(逆)全球化趋势下的战略以及新兴产业应对政府监管的政治策略。她关于中国寺庙商业化的研究获得2020年“商业社会责任”最佳论文奖(RRBM)。她现任Management Science 副主编、 Administrative Science Quarterly和Organization Science编委,也曾任American Journal of Sociology 顾问编辑,和管理学会(Academy of Management) 组织理论研究委员会主任。加入哥伦比亚大学之前,她是南加州大学管理学和社会学副教授。

  • 数字化转型中的经济、社会和管理问题

[1] Yue, Lori Qingyuan, Kate Jue Wang, and Botao Yang. 2019. Contesting Commercialization:Contesting Commercialization: Political Influence, Responsive Authoritarianism, and Cultural Resistance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(2): 435-465.

 Winner, Responsible Research in Business & Management (RRBM) Award, 2020.

 Featured by Paper Express (in Chinese) https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/30341815

 OMT Best Paper on Entrepreneurship Award Finalist, Academy of Management Meeting, 2016,Anaheim, CA.

 Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Meeting, OMT Davison, Anaheim, 2016.

[2] Greve, Henrich R. and Lori Qingyuan Yue* (2017) Hereafter: How Crises Shape Communities through Learning and Institutional Legacies. Organization Science, 28(6): 965-1167. *Equal Contribution.

 Featured by Paper Express (in Chinese) https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/27159535

 Featured by ASQ Editor’s Blog http://www.organizationalmusings.com/2016/12/probingprotests-firms-can-learn-to.html

[3] Yue, Lori Qingyuan (2016). The Great and the Small: The Impact of Collective Action on the Evolution of Interlock Networks after the Panic of 1907. American Sociological Review, 81(2): 374-395.

 Featured by Paper Express (in Chinese) https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/27159535

[4] Yue, Lori Qingyuan (2015). Community Constraints on the Efficacy of Elite Mobilization: The Issues of Currency Substitutes during the Panic of 1907. American Journal of Sociology, 120(6): 1690-1735.

 Featured by Paper Express (in Chinese) http://chuansong.me/n/1966878

[5] Yue, Lori Qingyuan, Hayagreeva Rao, and Paul Ingram (2013). Information Spillovers from Protests against Corporations: A Tale of Walmart and Target. Administrative Science Quarterly, 58(4):669-701.

 Featured by The Social Impact of the Corporation (Administrative Science Quarterly Virtual Feature Issue) http://asq.sagepub.com/site/misc/VirtIss/ASQVSI2.xhtml

 Interviewed by ASQ BLOG http://asqblog.com/2015/01/28/yue-rao-ingram-2013-informationspillovers-from-protests-against-corporations-a-tale-of-walmart-and-target/

[6] Yue, Lori Qingyuan, Jiao Luo, and Paul Ingram (2013). The Failure of Private Regulation: Elite Control and Market Crises in the Manhattan Banking Industry. Administrative Science Quarterly,58(1): 37-68.

 Interviewed by ASQ BLOG https://asqblog.com/2017/03/22/yue-luo-ingram-2013-the-failure-of-privateregulation-elite-control-and-market-crises-in-the-manhattan-banking-industry/

[7] Yue, Lori Qingyuan (2012). Asymmetric Effects of Fashions on the Formation and Dissolution of Networks: Board Interlocks with Internet Companies, 1996-2006. Organization Science, 23:1114-1134.

[8] Rao, Hayagreeva, Lori Qingyuan Yue, and Paul Ingram (2011). Laws of Attraction: Regulatory Arbitrage in the Face of Activism in Right-to-work States. American Sociological Review, 76(3): 365-385.

 Lead Article

 Honorable Mention in Law and Society Association’s 2012 Article Prize

[9] Ingram, Paul, Lori Qingyuan Yue, and Hayagreeva Rao (2010). Trouble in Store: The Emergence and Success of Protests against Wal-Mart Store Openings in America. American Journal of Sociology,116(1): 53-92.

 Reprint in Corporate Sustainability , edited by Thomas P. Lyon, Daniel Diermeier, and Glenn Dowell, SAGE Publications Ltd., July 2014

[10]Ingram, Paul and Lori Qingyuan Yue (2008). Structure, Affect and Identity as Bases of Organizational Competition and Cooperation. Academy of Management Annals, 2: 275-303