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李力行、席天扬、聂卓和刘正铖合作的论文被Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization接受发表

发布日期:2020-10-16 04:12    来源:

北京大学国家发展李力行、席天扬、聂卓,与香港大学博士生刘正铖(北大经院17届校友)合作的论文“Evading by Any Means? VAT Enforcement and Payroll Tax Evasion in China”近期被行为和组织经济学领域顶级期刊Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationJEBO)接受。该论文发现增值税征管的加强会导致企业社保逃费行为的增加。这一效应在规模较小、现金流较为紧张的企业当中效果更大,表明增值税征管加强对企业社保逃费行为的影响主要是通过增大企业经营压力而产生。文章的发现表明了国家税收能力的多维度特征,在各个部门行政资源不均衡的条件下,单一部门治理能力的强化可能对其他部门的治理绩效产生影响。

摘要:We study how the enforcement of value-added tax (VAT) affects Chinese firms’ evasion of pay- roll tax, which is collected by weakly empowered agencies. Using the central government’s 2005 repeal of the agricultural tax to measure fiscal squeeze and subsequent enforcement effort of VAT collection, our instrumental variable estimation finds that the VAT enforcement leads to a significant increase in the payroll tax evasion. Examining firm heterogeneity and real responses suggests that increased payroll tax evasion mainly stems from cost optimization by small and cash-constrained private firms. Our paper echoes a growing literature to highlight the importance of understanding compliance spillover across taxes.





