管理学workshop|Organizational identity and the behavioral theory of innovation: new energy vs internal-combustion vehicle firms in China’s automobile industry

发布日期:2021-10-08 12:00    来源:

主题:Organizational identity and the behavioral theory of innovation: new energy vs internal-combustion vehicle firms in China’s automobile industry

主讲人John P. Walsh (Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Public Policy)

时间2021/10/8    9 am-10:30 am

会议方式 会议号:952 7226 6465;密码:759353

ZOOM链接: https://zoom.us/j/95272266465?pwd=MjBpYWRlaENWTCs0TGk3T2hGNVQzdz09


While innovation is seen as key to firm performance, innovation is also risky and firms are reluctant to take on such risks. Hence, explaining when firms innovate is a vital issue in organization theory. The behavioral theory of the firm predicts that performance above aspiration levels decreases risk taking, including innovation. However, as a market diversifies, firms may focus on different categories when setting aspiration levels. This study combines organizational identity and categorization theories with the behavioral theory of the firm to predict product innovation rates. Insights from categorization theory help specify the reference group for constructing social aspirations. We compare two versions of organizational identity theory, one emphasizing a same/other categorization and one emphasizing a high-status/low-status categorization. Using data from China’s automobile industry, we find performance above the aspiration level reduces the rate of firm innovation launching, whether aggregated aspiration level, historical aspiration, or social aspiration. Firms’ innovation behaviors are more responsive to social aspirations built from observing firms in the high-status category, rather than emphasizing same-category firms. These findings provide significant insights into the reference set of enterprises in formulating innovation strategies, as well as extending the behavioral theory of the firm to include categorization and identity theories.


Dr. John P. Walsh is a Professor in the School of Public Policy. He teaches and does research on science, technology and innovation, using a sociological perspective that focuses on organizations and work to explain how research organizations respond to changes in their policy environment. Recent work includes studies of university-industry linkages in the US and Japan, the effects of research tool patents on biomedical researchers and country and industry differences in the role of patents in firm strategy. His work has been published in Science, American Sociological Review, Research Policy, Social Studies of Science, and Management Science.

